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Yoga Therapy

Recover from injuries, strengthen weakness, let go of holding patterns of tensions.

  • 1 h
  • 120 US dollars
  • Dimensions Of Healing

Service Description

Yoga Therapy offers specific practices to heal and recover from illnesses, injuries, cope with chronic pain and depression. A Yoga therapist is highly trained in the science of yoga and understands which yogic practices your body and mind require to re-align, heal and strengthen. In these one-on-one sessions, I assess, design, and build a personal practice for you to effectively release tension, re-align, re-balance, strengthen and develop new body awareness to maintain the re-established state of health. Some will be able to take these prescribed practices and do them on their own and some will require further guidance. Either way, the body and mind will continue to improve while feeling a decrease in pain and gaining strength. ​ It's widely known that Yoga can enhance your physical and emotional well being, but when Yoga is practiced with a therapeutic intention in the form of Yoga Therapy, it can help prevent and aid recovery from physical and mental ailments. Yoga has long been practiced with therapeutic intentions as way of transforming both the body and the mind. The applications of Yoga Therapy range anywhere from maintaining health, to recovering from illness - in some cases, even those considered incurable. The first stage of healing involves the movement of vital forces in the system. Practitioners of many Eastern forms of medicine believe that every illness involves a certain level of energy blockage. By promoting the flow of prana, or vital force, yoga combats those blockages, restoring the basic condition for health. Common applications for Yoga Therapy also serve structural problems such as spine misalignments or joint function. ​ By combining different techniques such as breathing, postures or alterations of the circulatory patterns, yoga promotes specific changes in muscles, joints and organs altering the vital functions of the body. A good example would be the way Yoga Therapy can help overcome panic attacks. By practicing a balancing breathing technique, a sense of control is gained, combating the fear and anxiety produced by its loss. Or how by practicing a specific technique that involves eye movement resets the pituitary gland via the optic nerve, influencing the 'fight or flight' reaction so intimately related with the syndrome.

Contact Details

  • 232 East 11th Street, Chattanooga, TN, USA

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